Sunday, January 2, 2011

Let us Go

Today I watched a film named "Never let me go". It's a fictional film set in the last century with some alternate progress of civilization. According to the film, man has taken organ donation to a whole new level. Countries have national facilities where children are raised in order to make them donate organs when they are adult. Well, I won't discuss the movie much but what I realized from this film that we are not much different from these unlucky children. They are raised with a particular aim, they have no say or what-so-ever. They are raised with fantasy and horror stories to control their actions. And at the end of a cycle they have to do what they are raised for....donating their organs to save people of the more fortunate class.
Well, children of poor countries like us are raised under much restraint. Our future, important decisions, paths are all planned. Our job is to follow them, learn what we are taught, do what we are told and after a cycle, deliver. We don't have the freedom to do what we want, what we see fit. Our creativity is confined in every possible manner. Even, if some of us can break this chain and do something extra-ordinary, society won't take it very well.
If all these have done any good to our country I wouldn't have bothered. But what's happening is we are creating a bunch of pre-programmed robot programmed by an older batch, and thus our country is going back all the time.
Just give us a chance, let us be free....see if we can change our fortune. At least, there's no way we can mess up more!


  1. true! though at some points the post sounded like "give me some sunshine, give me a hooker..." and GOD, I hate that song! what I believe is, only you can make yourself free. If you are free from the start, then you are lucky(or unlucky in disguise?). I liked the line "At least, there's no way we can mess up more!".

  2. The blog turned political at the end. We are being confined because some people are benefited through our confinement. Unfortunately, the benefit they are getting is, "we don't give a damn about our country anymore". We are contributing to their propaganda by remaining carefree. That's it.

    Whom are you asking for chance ? You and I are born in bonds. We cannot break our social ties to make a rebellion. We can't.

  3. @Sauro.....I am not saying that let me be free.I know if a certain individual wants he can be free....but that has no impact on society.The problem is on a whole we are confined and we have been programmed that way.Most of us can't think outside the box,as we have been glued.A certain Lipu went free;did some unorthodox works.Some congratulated but most didn't care.Now he is doing good in some first world didn't help us....
    @Tarif....true but it seems you are even more pessimistic than I am!
